Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008

sabtu, 27 des 2008

Dear Blog,
Kemarin vd & keluarga jadi juga ke pantai. Nga nanggung2 langsung 2 pantai dikunjungi.
Pantai nga terlalu rame, nga tau juga kenapa.. apa karena takut ataw memang lagi pada malas aja.
Pagi ini terasa dingin, membuat badan terasa menggigil. Ngak tau apa karena udaranya yang dingin atau hembusan AC diruang tunggu bandara yang terlalu kencang.
Pagi ini vd akan berangkat meninggalkan kota Banda Aceh yang sudah ± 3 tahun menjadi rumah kedua. Sedih terasa menggingat harus meninggalkan temans sekaligus saudara, dan sedih ketika tidak tahu harus menjawab apa jika ditanya kapan akan kembali lagi kemari.
Pertama sekali datang ke Banda Aceh, vd sempat merasa marah & kesal kepada semuanya tapi seiring dengan waktu vd mulai menerima & mengubah jalan pikiran, karena setiap daerah pasti ada keunikan tersendiri.
Banda Aceh dikelilingin oleh laut dan pantai yang sangat bangus, but I’m not really like a beach (kalo snorkeling sih mau). Tapi banyak objek lain yang bisa dikunjungi kok….
Bukan hanya temans atuw saudara yang banyak vd dapatkan selama bekerja di Banda Aceh tapi banyak kisah dan pengalaman yang sangat berharga.
Petugas bandara sudah memanggil para penumpang utk segera memasuki pesawat. Sudah saatnya vd pergi dengan harapan bisa kembali lagi kemari. Good Bye Banda Aceh, I hope I can comeback soon.

Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

26 december 2008

Hari ini bertepatan 4 tahun terjadinya Tsunami, yang menghancurkan beberapa wilayah di Indonesia.
Salah satu wilayah tersebut adalah Banda Aceh, dan vd sekarang masih disini sibuk persiapan untuk pindahan.
The phone is ringging at 2.30am, dengan sedikit mengintip vd melihat siapa yg menelepon dipagi2 buta begini. Ternyata jims call, dengan nyantai dia bertanya apa lagi tidur? ya iya lah.. jam segini gitu lho.... dia bertanya 'apa sudah di medan?, gw mau ajak vd ke retro besok malam, bisa g?'
ampun deh nih anak, jam segini nelp hanya mau nanya ini? tp vd hanya bilang 'kan ini masih di Banda Aceh, baru balik sabtu pagi... mana bisa vd ikut.' bla..bla...bla dia ngobrol apa lagi vd lupa, karena keburu ketiduran. hehehehe...maaf yah bang !!! Ntar kalo udah nyampe Medan vd telp deh.
Sore ini vd mau ajak keluarga ke pantai, mudah2an aman-aman aja.
Besok vd akan berangkat ke medan. medan here i come....

Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

Rabu 24 Des 2008 (before c'mas)

Hujan mengguyur kota Banda Aceh siang ini, setelah beberapa hari hari sangat panas.
Hari terasa lembab, seperti hati vida...
Today is my lastday in LOGICA. Vida senang akhirnya dapat libur yang panjang, dan bisa kembali ke Medan, tapi sedih harus ninggalin teman-teman disini yang sudah seperti saudara.
Buat tim vida yang sudah 3 tahun ini bersama-sama, mohon maaf yah kalo ada yang merasa tertindas... hehehehe.. Good luck for u all.
Sabtu tanggal 27 desember pagi vd berangkat meninggalkan Banda Aceh menuju Medan.
Doa kan yah temans, supaya vd bisa kembali ke Banda Aceh.

Minggu, 14 Desember 2008

mid of december

Akhirnya vd nulis blog juga...
setelah cukup lama non aktif karena kerjaan yg numpuk g jelas.
Hari lagi nongkrong di starbucks. Update2 FB & FS, chating, foto2...
yg jelas ngelakukan sesuatu yg udah lama g dilakukan..hehehehe..
hari ini juga vd tau ternyata SIM A & C vd udah mati, dan yg parah SIM A
udah lama mati.... untung aja di sini ada samsat corner jadi sim C nya bisa langsung diperpanjang, tapi yg A g bisa... yah malas banget kl harus ke kantor polisinya.
Hari kamis kemarin di kantor ada farewell party, makanannya g enak (yg ngurus siapa yah..hehehehe). Maaf yah semua karena ketidak nyamanan itu....

Rabu, 26 November 2008

Beasiswa S2 ke Inggris

The British Chevening Awards General Information & Requirements

* A prestigious programme funded by the British Government (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) and administered by the British Council.
* Over 1000 scholarships awarded in Indonesia since 1984.
* This year up to 20 full scholarships are offered for one year Master degrees.
* Courses at various universities and professional institutions in the UK including courses in media, finance, economics, politics, law, management, engineering, gender, environment, democracy etc.
* A very competitive scheme. Only the best applicants are invited for further test and interview.
* Employees, employee's relatives (or former employees who have left employment less than two years before) of the FCO (Foreign Commonwealth Office), including FCO posts, the British Council and the sponsor will not be eligible to apply for these awards.
Who can apply?
* Indonesian Citizen.
* Excellent first degree with minimum GPA ≥ 3.0.
* Adequate level of spoken and written English language (IELTS 6.5)
* Minimum of 2 years full time working experience after graduation from S1.
* Excellent career prospects.
* Commitment to career development, and ability to demonstrate motivation.
* Field of study should be relevant to educational background or current profession.
* We regret that we are unable to receive applications for MBAs.
* Previous recipients of a Chevening scholarship for Masters degrees are not eligible to reapply.
* Must be able to demonstrate future leadership potential and the capacity to play an important role in Indonesia's development.
* Ability and potential to contribute to future bilateral relations between Indonesia and Britain.
* We strongly encourage candidates from Eastern Indonesia to apply. Subject areas are: Climate Change and Forestry, counter-terrorism and International Security, Democracy and Governance, Religion and Islamic Studies, Economic Reform, Human Rights, Conflict and Justice, and Development.
When to apply?
* Application must be submitted before 30 November 2008

Senin, 24 November 2008

Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus & Shell

1. Beasiswa di Erasmus Mundus - MSc in Network and e-Business Centered Computing

Ada info buat yang mau dapat beasiswa di Komputer dalam Erasmus Mundus Scheme, Ada beberapa sih, tapi aku kasih infonya cuman program saya aja ya yang lain bisa dilihat sendiri di

Program saya 3 Negara ( UK , Greece dan Spain ) 3 bulan an dan milih salah satu buat skripsi (6 bulan). deadline 31 January 2009. apply online di

Syaratnya mudah kok cuman TOEFL mungkin yang belum ada. Tidak pakai interview juga, jadi persiapkan dokumen sebaik mungkin. Ini berlaku bagi semua scheme Erasmus Mundus kurasa. Jadi cepat test TOEFL dan apply 3 program langsung deh, di schema Erasmus Mundus maksimal boleh apply 3 program.

2. Shell Scholarships, UK and NL, 2009

Shell Scholarships, UK and NL, 2009Shell offers scholarships to international students for postgraduate taught degrees at the partner universities in UK and Netherlands . Applications are open for international students (including Pakistani students) for the courses starting in 2009.Deadline : Varies (for each partner university)Shell Centenary Scholarship FundThe Shell Centenary Scholarship Fund (TSCSF) was established as a registered charity in 1997. Under various Masters programmes, TSCSF offers postgraduate students from developing countries the opportunity to study in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands , and gain skills that will make a long-term contribution to the further development of their countries. The scholarships are known as Shell Centenary Scholarships (in the UK ), Royal Dutch Shell Centenary Scholarships (in the NL).EligibilityAn applicant should normally be:aged 35 or undernationals of and resident in any country other than Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States and intending to return and take up permanent residence there after com pletion of the proposed programme of studyintending to study a subject that will be of significant value in aiding the sustainable development of their home countryof sufficiently outstanding academic ability eg in the UK to have obtained a degree equivalent to a first class honours degree at a British University, in the NL to be able easily to obtain a place on the MSc programmefluent in spoken and written Englishneither a current nor former employee of the Royal Dutch Shell Group of CompaniesIt is the intention that the scholarships be widely geographically distributed. In each year a large number of countries will be represented. Scholarships will be awarded to those academically qualified applicants thought best able to contribute to the development of their home country by be com ing leaders, decision-makers or opinion-formers. Preference will be given to those who have not yet had the opportunity to study in the UK and NL.Each scholarship will cover tuition, ac com modation, maintenance cost and a return airfare for the scholarship holder only.Application ProcedureScholarship application forms can only be obtained from the relevant universities. For details about Shell scholarships (deadline, application procedure and forms etc), please visit the relevant sections on the partner universities websites.Partner UniversitiesPartners in the scheme are:University of Cambridge , UKDurham University , UKThe University of Edinburgh , UKImperial College London , UKUniversity of Leeds , UKUniversity of Oxford , UKUniversity College London , UKDelft University of Technology , NetherlandsEindhoven University of Technology , NetherlandsUniversity of Twente , Netherlands .These universities also contribute to the funding of scholarships.http://www.shellsch home/index. html

Senin, 17 November 2008

Pulang dari Takengon_Aceh Tengah

Akhirnya vd pulang juga dari Takengon, setelah berminggu2 disana.
Takengon tuh bangus banget lho... Dingin...
Mirip2 Lembang, tapi masih belom tertata dengan rapi aja...
Tapi tetap bagus kok....
Liat deh mirip lukisan kan? padahal asli lho

Senin, 03 November 2008

Awal November

Nga terasa yah sudah memasuki bulan November, ntr lagi akhir taon.
dan ntr lagi kontrak kerja juga berakhir. Ada yg berminat dengan vd? untuk dijadikan pegawai lho..
Besok rencananya vd mau ikut ke Takengon, ada pelatihan TOT disana.
Katanya sih Takengon daerahnya bagus banget, ada danau laut tawar..
mmmm.... kita liat aja ntr yahh.

Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008

Masih susah tidur

benaran banget d kenapa beberapa hari ini jadi susah tidur.
Capek banget d kl gini trus2an, dikantor g konsen bawaannya lemas mlulu.
Ada apa sih ????
mo tidur bentar ah.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

USAID Scholarship

USAID - AED (Academy for Educational Development) Scholarships

Scholarship opportunities to study in the USA for:
Master's Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management.
• Master's Degrees in Water and Sanitation.

Training has long been a key component of the U.S. government's development program in Indonesia . USAID / Indonesia plans to support the tradition through the Human and Institutional Capacity Development ( HICD ) program that will provide academic degree training. The HICD program is structured in a way that will help individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and the capacity to support Indonesia 's development and the achievement of the Government of Indonesia / USAID's objectives.

USAID has awarded a contract to the Academy for Educational Development (AED), a U.S. non-government organization (NGO) to support the implementation of the HICD program in Indonesia . AED is now inviting Indonesian citizens to study for Master's Degrees in the USA in 1) Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management and 2) Water and Sanitation.

1. Master's Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management.

Eligible candidates may come from the Ministry of Forestry, Environment, Development Planning, Research and Development, Finance, Economy or other related government institutions including provincial and district level offices and regulators; civil society groups (Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management Associations, NGOs and Foundations); or professionals in fields related to sustainable development with international or local organizations who have strong potential for leadership, research, education, journalism and consultancy in the same field.

Candidates with experience working in geographical areas with high biodiversity conservation value will be prioritized. An indicative list would include Kalimantan, Sumatera, Papua, Sulawesi and NTT.

Every attempt will be made to balance candidate selection by gender.

2. Master's Degrees in Water and Sanitation.

Eligible candidates may come from related government Institutions, civil society groups (Water and Sanitation Associations, NGOs, and Foundations), water and sanitation professionals/environmental engineers working in the development sector with international or local organizations, and faculty from schools of Water and Sanitation/Environmental Engineering at accredited Indonesian universities.

Candidates from the following areas in Indonesia will be prioritized: Aceh, North Sumatera , DKI Jakarta, West Java , Yogyakarta , Central Java and East Java .

Previous affiliation of the institution with USAID whether as a beneficiary or partner program will be viewed favorably.

Every attempt will be made to balance candidate selection by gender.

Interested applicants, may request application forms at or download them at

Completed application forms must be returned to the AED office at the address below by Nov 15 the latest:

Academy for Educational Development

Wisma Nugra Santana, 16th Floor, Suite 1616 ,

Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 7-8, Jakarta 10220

Hari terakhir puasa 6

Akhirnya.... hari ini terakhir vd puasa 6. Besok udah lebaran donk...
Nga tau ni kenapa yah td malam tiba2 terbangun dan stelah itu nga mau tidur lagi sampe pagi.
dan akhirnya seharian ini vd ngantuk dan nga semangat kerja... pulang nga yah ??? hehehehe.

Senin, 27 Oktober 2008


Duh... Kenapa yah hari ini kangen banget.
Sama mahluk2 kecil di rumah yg di medan, sama teman2 dikantor yg lama,
sama teman2 main.
Kangennnn.... Pada kemana mereka semua yah....
Telp vd donk !!!!!

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008


1. BPK buka lowongan jadi CPNS tuh... coba aja klik :

2. UN Habitat juga buka :

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

Info beasiswa

ada info beasiswa... Silahkan dimanfaatkan peluang baik ini.Mudah2an lulus
  1. Beasiswa VLIR Belgia baik untuk training, S-2 maupun S-3.

VLIR-UOS provides funds to the organising Flemish universities for these ITPs and ICPs, with the support of the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGDC). Through the support of individuals and institutions in the South, the Flemish universities aspire to contribute to the availability and quality of education and research in the South. VLIR-UOS and the Flemish universities wish to help change lives by sharing knowledge and minds.

Every year VLIR-UOS offers a number of scholarships, as to enable students from developing countries with a minimum of professional experience who occupy key or strategic positions at an institution or organisation in their native country, to access these programmes. The opportunity for knowledge application and transfer after the scholar returns home is an important scholarship selection criterion.

Although these programmes are primarily oriented towards students and professionals from developing countries, they are also open to other people. This website includes all the information you need to apply for a place on a given programme as a self-supporting student or a scholar. It also includes information on course content and application requirements for ITPs (as they will be organised in 2009) and ICPs (as they will be organised in the academic year 2009-2010 and 2009-2011).

VLIR-UOS sincerely hopes that the exchange during your study in Flanders results in partnerships and improved understanding across frontiers, and that the knowledge you acquire will be invested and disseminated in the framework of long-term initiatives in your country of origin.

2. PRIO Student Scholarships

Deadline: 12:00 (noon), 17 November 2008.

The International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) regularly announces student scholarships for master’s degree students who have com pleted their coursework and are in the process of writing their theses.

Scholarships are granted for a period of six to twelve months. For successful applicants, PRIO offers a monthly stipend of NOK 3,500. Students may be in residence at their home university or at PRIO’s offices in Hausmanns gate 7 in Oslo . Students in residence at PRIO will be given access to institute facilities – library services, photocopiers, etc. Each student will be assigned a supervisor from among PRIO’s staff and encouraged to take part in the institute’s scholarly activities. Students will be expected to present their on-going work at internal seminars.

We encourage applications from students whose theses focus on themes within the fields of our research programmes. A short description of each of the research programmes at PRIO and the Centre for the Study of Civil War is included below. More information is available at our website

The Security Programme (SP) com prises interdisciplinary research projects focusing on the ways in which individuals, groups, states, and international organizations respond to a range of security challenges. While retaining its traditional policy perspectives, the programme aims to develop new fields of research based on both the changing security reality and an evolving universe of theories and methodological approaches to security and insecurity. Important focual points in this field include human security and questions surrounding terrorist threat and appropriate and legitimate responses to it.

Programme Leader: J. Peter Burgess

The Ethics, Norms and Identities (ENI) com prises two broad and interrelated strands of research. First, research within the programme addresses normative dimensions of armed conflict and peacebuilding. Second, the programme addresses how different identities influence, and are influenced by, the dynamics of conflict and peace. Identities examined include those of gender, ethnicity and religion. Questions of identities are central to PRIO’s research on international migration, much of which is located within the ENI programme. Research projects in the programme are characterized by qualitative methodologies and analyses of various forms: textual and discourse analysis, fieldwork, interviews and participatory observation in a variety of conflict settings. This diversity in analytical approach reflects the fact that researchers within the programme com e from a variety of different disciplines, including philosophy, human geography, political science, psychology, international law and international relations.

Programme Leader: Gregory Reichberg

The Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding (CRPB) programme has key com petence on a number of countries and regions that have been, and continue to be, sites of conflict resolution and peacemaking efforts. These include Afghanistan , Cyprus , Guatemala , Sri Lanka , Sudan , Israel/Palestine and the wider Middle East . Core research areas of the CRPB programme are mobilization and causes of conflict, small arms proliferation, peace initiatives, disarmament and reintegration of fighters, and mine action. The programme is defined in broad terms, with a focus not only on ending wars, but also on efforts to decrease violence. CRPB undertakes research, training and education, policy development and dialogue projects, rooting all engagements in solid research com petence. The aim is to develop synergies that bridge theory, applied knowledge and practice. CRPB researchers are engaged in dialogue with policy-makers and practitioners, as well as in public debate.

Programme Leader: Åshild Kolås

The Centre for the Study of Civil War (CSCW) is a long-term, multidisciplinary initiative that aims to examine why civil wars break out, how they are sustained, and what it takes to end them. Civil war is the dominant form of armed conflict. CSCW aims to clarify the ways in which actors respond to civil war, in all its phases from onset to post conflict, whether as primary participants, general citizenry, or intervening powers. The centre is organized into eight working groups, and its methodological toolkit includes game theory, micro- and macroeconomics, quantitative statistical analysis, com parative case studies and historical source criticism. The work of all the groups, and of the centre as a whole, has an iterative dynamic, going from theory-building to empirical case materials and back.

CSCW Director: Scott Gates

For further information about the process please send your enquiries to

Applications for scholarships starting in the first half of 2009 should be written in English and include:

Completed application form (DOWNLOAD FROM LINK ABOVE)

Thesis description, including a draft contents/chapters list and suggestions for a suitable literature list (max 10 pp. for all three)

Time schedule for the thesis

A re com mendation from the your adviser (if one has already been appointed) or from another scholar familiar with your work

Curriculum vitae

Copies of certificates of university exams

Applications should be received at PRIO, preferably by e-mail (, by 12:00 noon on 17 November 2008.

When sending your application to us by e-mail, please scan and send all documents as one PDF (including certificates). Your university’s IT department should be able to help you with this. Applications e-mailed to us should only be sent to

Please note that if you insist on sending us your application (or any other supporting documents) by regular post, or you wish to hand deliver your application, then please ensure all documents are printed on loose un-bound (i.e. no staples, paper-clips or binders) standard A4 paper (this is because the application will have to be copied). Hard copies must be received on the deadline date before the PRIO reception closes at 16:00!

PRIO’s postal address is: PO Box 9229 Grønland, NO-0134 Oslo.

PRIO's visiting address is: Hausmanns gate 7, NO-0186 OSLO, Norway.

If you have not received an e-mail confirming that we have received your application within two working-days of the delivery estimate, please contact PRIO immediately.


Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008

Silahkan menawar

Berhubung vd g tau apa lagi yg mau dijual, ni ada pilihan barang untuk ditawar.
Silahkan memilih, penawar tertinggi akan mendapat hadiah (silahkan posting comment kalau berminat).
Ini daftar nama2nya :

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008

After Lebaran

Akhirnya liburan usai juga.
Banyak berita baru dari anak2 kantor, salah satunya itu 3 orang sekaligus menikah (hik..hik...dan teteup juara bertahan vd).
Ohya, vd baru ulang tahun lho.. (yg keberapa dirahasiakan) Acara ultah kali ini dirayakan dikolam renang Haeros Medan. Tadinya ide dari fariz kita ke Theme Park Pantai Cermin, tapi nga jadi karena harinya panas banget dan kak dewi bawa bayi. (foto2 acaranya nyusul)
Setelah libur panjang kembali kepekerjaan lama dan yang diawali dgn acara konseling hasil tes HR audit. Hasilnya lumayan bagus, walaupun ada yg sedikit tidak cocok.
Vd lagi pengen nyari notebook nih, bagusnya apa yah???tapi budgetnya nga lebih dari 7jt.
Pas libur kemarin sempat nyari2, udah ketemu yg cocok. Rencana dibelinya setelah lebaran, dan ternyata harganya naik sampe 1jt...gilaaaa...pasti karena krisis amerika nih... betee....

Minggu, 21 September 2008

Saturday_ramadhan 20

Nga trasa yah lebaran 1 minggu lagi.. hore.. hore...
Eh belom beli baju baru... kue juga belom beli.. gimana nih ???
Vd sedih, g dikasi cuti tambahan 1 minggu setelah lebaran hik..hik...
Padahal rencana pas ultah ada dmedan, dekat dengan keluarga. Tapi demi tugas dan tanggung jawab negara (apaan sih) mau g mau vd tgl 7 harus kembali ke banda aceh... hik..hik...
Kemarin diusulkan vd berangkat barengan dgn yg akan keluar kota aja tgl 10, jadi bisa dimedan pas ultah... i hope so... (tapi kalo g capek yah).

Kamis, 18 September 2008


Alow semua....
This is my new blog. kalo ntr ada salah2 kate, maafin yeeee....
- copyright 2008. Viedhaworld. -